*Dear CMA Holder, Professional, and Academics.*
*IMAC (International Management Accountant Conference) 2022*
ICMA Indonesia proudly presents IMAC 2022 in Bali (Hybrid).
The International Conference will get 8 SKP.
*Monday, November 28th 2022 at 08.00-17.00 WITA (GMT+8).*
The offline event: Auditorium UNDIKNAS, Denpasar, Bali.
The online event: Zoom Meeting.
Topic: *“Green Investment and the Frontiers of Management Accounting”.*
It is important to start now when planet needs our help. Mitigating climate change by providing any required resources including green investment. Green investment should ensure that the money goes to the right direction. In IMAC 2022, we will learn about professional and academics contribution to help the planet for the survivability on humankind.
▶️ *Investment and registration: https://bit.ly/IMAC2022*
? *Information: icmaaustralia.indonesia@gmail.com*
For more information on speakers and topics please see link and attached Brochures.
Best Regards,
*ICMA ANZ Indonesia*